Friday, September 7, 2012

Our Season of Giving

We are so blessed at Blonde Entertainment to have the privilege to work with countless musicians, singers and artists who live their dream each and every day. We work tirelessly to promote live music opportunities in our great city and beyond to provide a platform for music to reach all people and change their lives for the better. We hope you stay connected to our agency through our website, our calendars, our facebook/twitter feeds our apps (available on the website) and, of course, in person. We love to hear your stories of how music has changed your life.

There are two ways we plan to reach others in the coming weeks. Through our charity, "Blonde Hope" we are hosting two special events to raise awareness and funds for people in our community and beyond.

- America Remembers 9/11 

Join us on Tuesday, September 11 at the Rathskeller Biergarten for a full day of music and remembrance. A silent and live auction will be available as well as uplifting music beginning at 4pm. A candlelight vigil will close the evening at 10pm. 
More information at:

- An Evening of Holiday Joy

Tickets are now on sale of our 4th annual evening of Holiday Joy benefit concert held at the historic Rathskeller Athenaeum Theatre in downtown Indianapolis. Musicians and singers from each of our Blonde Entertainment bands join together with special guests to host an evening of holiday cheer and purpose. All proceeds benefit the St. Mary's Child Center and Wish Upon a Wedding. 
More information and tickets can be purchased at:

We thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you at one of our many shows.

The Blonde Entertainment Team